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Hello, My name is Ester. I absolutley adore Jesus! He is the center of my life. I am nothing without him. He has allowed a dream of mine to come true. I've always wanted a little boutique. I've been praying for the right time, the time is now! I am the mother of 3. I love my children, they keep life so exciting. I homeschool and I have one in traditional school. I love to craft, it could be a full time job. I love it that much. I like sewing, baking, bow- making, and all things family! I am married to my highschool sweetheart, you can read about that on my other blog. www.loveinmyhouse.blogspot.com.

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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Having a Large Time!!!!

I use to love to hear my dear southern friend say, "It was a large time"!!! Today I had a Large time.  I got to spend time with some ladies discussing the Lord and how to be more in control of our actions.  I am telling everyone please read UNGLUED!!  I am going to be a much better person after this study. 

I want to remind everyone that we walk by faith and not by sight.  My sight tells me that for every step of progress, we take 10 steps back.  My sight tells me that this is not going to work.  My sight tells me that I have better things to do with my time.  However, I will not get distracted by sight.  I will not let my sight dictate my actions.  I will keep my eyes on the Father.  We have an expected end!!!  Keep the end in mind!!

One of the blogs I read There's No Place Like Home is hosting a give away.  She is giving away a few of her favorite things.  You should go over to her blog and say hi to enter!!!  Let me know if you win ( you must share have of your winnings with me, LOL)!!! Here is a picture of the things she is giving away.  I would really love that bubble necklace!! I've been wanting one for a while.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


                                                            (Image is from a google search)
I've never thought that I was bound by fear.  I never gave fear a second thought. I am courageous, very spontaneous, and I am not faint at heart.  However, I was struck by fear.  Fear of the unknown.  I started thinking about what if I got what I prayed for.  What would it require of me.  Am I willing to pay the cost of my request?? This thought left my  heart fluttering. If the Mr. turned his heart to God and lead this family in the way of the Lord, what would that require of me.  Will he see my imperfections as a wife?  Will he see how much I want my own way.  Will he desire to have a more biblical marriage?  Will he care about my appearance?  My mind went racing, I couldn't keep up!!! I had to calm myself.  The Holy Spirit had to calm me.  I needed His embrace.  I lost control for a moment in time.  As I allowed the Spirit to minister to me, He helped me refocus my attention.  How could I worry about my cost when someones salvation was at stake.  He then reminded me that a saved man loves his wife as Christ loves the church.  A saved man puts God and his wife before he puts himself.  A saved man has his families best interest at heart.  What am I worried about?? What does a saved women do for her husband?? She does the same.  She offers unconditional respect, she honors her man, she is submitted. This requires something of me.  However, I know that I CAN do all things through Christ that strengthen me!!! God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of POWER, LOVE and a SOUND mind.  I will continue to pray and diligently seek the Father for my family.  However, I will open up and allow God to continue to mold me into the wife that he meant for me to be.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

It Couldn't be so.....

This Friday my son, my precious baby boy who really isn't a baby because he's five got honored at school.  He got picked out of the entire kindergarten as a Terrific Kid.  I have waited for a long time to be able to wear that bumper sticker on the back of my car that says "Proud Parent of a Kiwanis Terrific Kid".  However, when our his time came I missed the program.  How could it be, I missed a school program.  I am at the school ALL the time.  I am a room mom and I missed it!!! What's even worse is when he got in the car and said, "Mom, where were you? I was looking all over for you"  I was so heart broken!!! I did not see the tiny invitation that slipped down in his binder.  I wish I didn't feel so bad about this but he's my baby, this is the last time I will experience some of these moments.  I'm really trying hard not to  miss any.  So here is my terrific kid ( which I've always thought he was terrific and now other people think he is too!)
On to other news........ God has a way to let us know that he cares about what concerns us.  I (am)was totally in awe of HIM .  This weekend the Mr.  had a long talk with me, I'm talking three days long.  He really expressed some of the things that have been on his mind.  ( I won't get in to that ) But the thing that stood out the most is when he talked about when he talks with God.  Yes, did you hear that?? He said he sits outside and it's like God just talks to him!!!! I couldn't believe my ears.  So, I wanted to know the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE and HOW?  Then, I decided that wasn't important.  The important thing is that God is speaking to him and he is acknowledging that God is speaking.  That just blows me away!!! That was just another nugget of hope that God is doing just what I ( little old me) is praying for.  I don't expect change over night or that in the morning he'll be running to the church house , but I don't put anything beyond God!!  He can do it!!!  So for now I will be thankful for what God is doing in his heart and mine!!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Hiding the Word in My Heart!!

Do you want know what I think is embarrassing??? Well, I hate, HATE, knowing something in the Bible and not having a CLUE where it is.  I REALLY, REALLY hate that.  There have been times when I've wanted to encourage someone in the Word and I don't because I can't tell them where to find it. I especially hate it if it's with a random person that I just happen to strike up a conversation with and pray with them in the middle of the store ( this really happens because I never meet a stranger).  I always want to leave them with an encouraging word and I can hardly remember where the scriptures are found, gasp!!! This is sad, I have been in church a LONG time.  I read the Word daily.  I can give a general idea but that's as far as it goes.  This is not including the "classic" scriptures .  So I am determined that the kiddos and I will not only memorize scripture but this will include the verse.  I am not sure how I learned so many "memory verses" without knowing where they are.  I found this blog http://blog.lproof.org/ that is doing a group memory verse a week.  So far I can report that my kindergartner is doing so much better than me.  I am not claiming a bad memory but........ I can't remember what I wore yesterday or what I cooked for dinner.
I want my children to hide the WORD in their hearts.  I want to hide the WORD in my heart. There are times when scriptures that I learned as a child will come to mind just when I need them.  There is a Word from God for every situation.  His Word is the recipe for this life. I know that my favorite recipes can be cooked from memory.  I cook these meals so much that they are now just a part of who I am.  I want to be this way with God's word.  I just want it to be a part of who I am.

 Verse this week: All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children.” Isaiah 54:13 ESV

This was so encouraging to me!!!! All I could say was AMEN ( God I am in agreement with you)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My weekend!!

This weekend was so full.  It was full of everything but what I had planned.  It's funny how plans have a mind of their own.  I did get some things done that has been on the "to-do list" for a while.  I am working on repairing my relationship with my MIL, it has been on the rocks since I met her.  However, I am confident that I will conquer this.  Whew!!! This is not an easy task. The kiddos and I like to go to the flea market when it comes once a month.  I invited my MIL to hang with us.  I don't think it was quite her thing but hey, we have to start somewhere.  One of the vendors had sugar gliders

I am not a animal person and I really don't like ones that look like a mice and a squirrel combine, don't forget the pouch like a kangaroo!!! SO NOT MY THING!!! But hey anything for the kids.
Friday was the 100th day of school for us and every kindergartner had to create a project and here is our project.  100 goggley eyes on a shirt!

I think the highlight of last week was when my daughter who struggles in so many ways got honored at her school as the Falcon of the week.  She needed the boost of self-esteem.  She's taller and bigger than all the kids in her grade, what can I say her dad is REALLY tall.  She has been recently diagnosed with a learning disability.  I know that is hard for some to hear but for us it was a huge relief to know we were NOT going crazy!!! I've cried so many tears for my dear middle daughter.  Nothing comes easy for her, she has to work so hard for EVERYTHING.  I am so proud of her!! Transitioning from homeschooling to traditional school was hard for her at first but I don't regret the decision.  School has been good for her in many ways.  We have had our fair share of not so pleasant but to see her shine, proud and more confident has been a HUGE blessing for our family!!!

To round the weekend out I got to spend time in prayer with my missionary neighbors.  They have worked on the mission field for 20 years.  The are here through the Southern Baptist Convention.  I have loved getting to know them and hear about their journey.  We read missionary stories as a family but to know one in person is so much more fun!!!
Blessings to you all!!!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Now back to the heart of the matter!

Whew, God is taking me through FIRE!!! Purification is HARD!!  There are days when I want to tantrum like a 2 year old. I want to tell God, this is NOT what I signed up for.  But God has a way to put me in check.  His way is sometimes gentle and at other times it more like a spanking.  Mostly, it just keeps coming back to the need to pray, pray and pray.  I have had to develop a life of prayer for this journey.  God thought I could handle this, now only if I could always see myself the way God sees me. 
I get so upset with devil.  I just get so upset that the state of the family is changing.  But not only is it changing for the family unit, it's changing our community, future generations, society as we know it.  But all goes back to the family.  My prayer, my plea, my burden, my cry; God please, please restore your idea of family.  Let the husbands take their rightful place as the head of their homes.  Teach them how to be leaders.  Send men that will speak truth in their lives.  Lord, be a mentor to them.  Let them find rest, peace, and joy in you. Lord, fill every void empty space in their heart with YOU!  Teach the wives how to be committed to YOU and submitted to their husbands!! Teach us Lord how to be quiet and meek.  Help us to get rid of unrealistic expectations that keep us from seeing our husbands as you see them.  We are all in need of you.  Guard our hearts from the lies we tell ourselves. The lies that make us compare ourselves, lies that tell us we'll never be enough, the lies that tell us to give in and give up.  Lord prepare us for our mate and prepare our mate for us.  Lord, let your restoration happen in the hearts of your people.  We repent for corpurting something so spiritual, so holy unto you.  Forgive us Father.  Put a fire inside of us for YOU.  Let the burning cause a spiritual revoultion back to the heart of God.  Lord, reveal yourself to us. Thank you dear Father for hearing this humble prayer!!

I am so FIRED up!! I want the family that God has ordained for me to have!!! I may put up a fight and get weary but I am fighting for what God has given me.  I am fighting for families everywhere.  Every family plays a role. 
  • The families that are on track should mentor and be committed to pray for the familes that stand in need.  Speak words of encouragement to young couples or couples that God leads you to. Be real but also model examples of healthy relatioship, others may be watching. Pray and cover your families in prayer.
  •  For the familes that are need, let your hearts be open to God's plan.  Be encouraged and surround yourself with people that will speak life.  Don't be overly committed to your own way.  Get help even if both parties don't agree.  You can go by yourself.  Pray, pray, and pray
  • For the families that are in hopeless situations, divorce happening, seperation and other difficulties be honest, get help, don't be ashamed about your situation.  Find a support system.  Seek God, even if it's hard right now.  If you feel led to continue to pray for your spouse keep praying!!  Feel how you feel.  Out is better than in.  God has the final say so not the courts.

Soup!!! ( Other updates coming soon)

I borrowed this photo from Martha Stewart.  It's the closes picture that looks like this soup I like to make!!  Today I am linking up on one of my favorite blogs called Kelly's Korner.  The topic this week is soup.  I cook soup often because I'm a busy mom with 3 children.  2 of them are in school and 1 is homeschooled!  Life is busy around here!  Easy is the key!! My crockpot is my favorite kitchen accessory.  On Kelly's blog she list my other favorite soup, "Taco Soup".  I actually use her recipe.  Here it goes:
This soup does not have an official name, that I know of.  I call it "Chicken Black Bean Soup"  but it's not like traditional black bean soup.  I had to make up a name so when my children ask, "Mom what's for dinner" and I want to scream  I have something to call it.  The recipe is:
1 package of frozen corn/ sometimes I use the can
1 can of petite diced tomatoes
1 can of black beans (drained and rinsed)
1 jar of tomato sauce ( I use different brands and flavors, I like all the combinations)
raw chicken tenderloins
salt and pepper to taste
and because I'm a southern girl I put a dash of sugar in everything
Put everything in the crock pot on high.  Cook until chicken is done.  We eat ours with Ritz's crackers or tortilla chips, shredded cheese, and sour cream.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Unglued is getting GOOD!!! I am participating in a group study and I am enjoying it so much.  But what I am really enjoying is how God is really dealing with my "stuff"!!! He is putting me on the hot seat.  He is chiseling away all of my flaws and making a "Master's Piece".  I am so thankful.

Today while praying for the Mr. and all the other families that are praying for God to do a miracle I was so humbled.  The fact that we are able to pray to God and know that he is able to do beyond our imagination is so humbling.  I mean nothing is impossible for God. I know that our (my) struggles seem impossible at times, But God.........!!! God can do it.  There are days when I grow weary of praying for the Mr., especially when I can not see visible changes.  But that is not faith. By faith I mean faith in God to be God.  I don't want to be moved by my feelings or by what I can or can't see. I only want to be moved by the Word of God.  I know that God can change things he is changing me.  
I want salvation so bad for him.  I want it more than anything but I can't possibly want it more for him than God wants it for him.  God created him for HIS purpose.  I just get ahead of myself because I know that when God becomes the head his life he will be so much HAPPIER!!! (Not that he isn't happy but when you have Jesus there is another level of HAPPINESS)

I am pumping my brakes and I will continue to surrender to God and what he is doing in MY life.  Right now God is working on me and that's enough.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Teaching Children how to be Good Stewards.

Today I am doing my first link-up!!! Wooohooo, I am getting the hang of this blog.
 I hope that I'm teaching my children how to be good stewards of their things.  I do question this at times.  When I look at their toys tossed about, or their clothes on the floor I wonder if I am teaching them anything at all, ha!  I know that I am teaching them something but I really want to dispaly being a good stewart of our blessings.  I want to make sure I am making a concious effort to teach them HOW to take care of things and WHY it's so important.  Seriously, nothing makes me madder than seeing something I bought for them being treated poorly.  I have attached feelings because I know the sacrafice it took to make it happen.  I understand that money doesn't come from a tree.  I know that something else was sacraficed for anything extra.
My children aren't really that bad, and they are quite grateful for their things but we all have room to grow.  Some of the things I've done to help is
* I make my children pay tithe and offering.
1. A chore/job chart- I looked  at several charts on the internet and pinterest then I created my own.  This changed my life.They feel more empowered and in control.  They have learned time management which is a life skill.  This has helped me , I am a VERY go with the flow kind of person  this has brought structure to our daily lives.  They earn stickers daily and money at the end of two weeks.
2.  I make them buy certain things for themselves.  They have to earn and save money to purchase certain things.  This has helped because it has attached their own hard work to the item.  The get the value of hard work and money.
3. When I see things on the floor like clothes or a toy or something not in use I will take it for a length of time.  Sometimes this is really hard because it may include a soccer sock before a game or a "special" something that they can't live without.  This was hard for me at first because I really would want to cave in but I didn't and they have learned to put their things away. 
4. Consistency is the key.  People say that ALL the time.  It is so true.  I struggle with consistency, I pray for God's help in this area.  When I am not consistent it disrupts more than just me.  I am a work in progress.
I have also tossed the idea around with doing Dave Ramsey for kids with them.  I really want them to learn now how to be good stewarts over their things and money.
Financial Peace Junior

Monday, January 14, 2013

Avoiding Distractions and (Nail Polish)

My last post have been about how thankful I've been that the Mr. has been helping out and totally plugged in!!!  Well, of course someone got upset (you guessed it the Devil)!! The enemy of God almost got me off track this morning with a conversation that went wrong.  I almost got lured in like the serpent tempting Eve in the garden.  I almost bit the fruit!!! Then I realized what was happening and I had to laugh!! I had to laugh  at the fact that I almost fell in the trap.  I am so very, very, very thankful that I was able to see what was happening before I became UNGLUED!!!  This is not to say I will see it every time but I am so thankful that I saw it this time.  If I want to win the Mr. to salvation I have to make salvation look appealing.  I can not find myself throwing wood on the fire.  I can not engage in that.  The second thing I did not do was to call my BFF's to justify my righteous-ness!!! I did want to though.  I hit a milestone today.  That was not easy or natural.  I did pray all the way home, while cleaning, and preparing to pick the children up from school.  I can honestly say God is good!! He kept me today, he tamed my tongue, I displayed a gentle and meek spirit. Glory to God!!!  It was a huge distraction to TEAM SALVATION but I have my blinders on!!!

In other news I love Essie nail polish.  I mean I LOVE IT!! They have the best colors and they last forever.  I just bought two new fun colors
Mint Candy Apple- for my toes

This color looks better in person.  I usually like neutrals on my nails because it chips but this was a nice warm color.

I am so impressed with women who always have freshly painted nails.  Especially the ones with children.  I wonder how in the world does their manicure look so nice.  Even if went to get one every week, where do I find the time???? It seems like I barely fit the few things I have to do between drop off and pick up.
Be encourage ladies to avoid distractions and to try fun nail polish!!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Unconditional Love!!

I had to have emergency oral surgery.  I was in so much pain! The Mr. got the call (from our daughter) that I had surgery and that I wasn't doing well.  She was so scared, the children rarely see me down.  I really can't believe she called her dad of all people but God has a plan.  The Mr. took off from work on Friday and has literally waited on me hand and feet.  He has cooked, cleaned, ran errands, and he even led bedtime prayer.  He took the girls on father/daughter date while our little man was at a play date with friends.  I have been trying to keep my cool and not over react but on the inside this a glimpse of God's love toward me.  I didn't even ask the Mr. to do any of this.  However, he is here plugged in  and making it all happen and letting me follow the doctor's orders.  It's always a little hard for me to have these moments because I KNOW this is what our marriage would look like if God was in control.  These moments always makes me want to talk about our relationship, which always ends in an argument.  These moments makes me anxious because this is the man I married.  But today, I am choosing to play it cool, no long talk, no over reacting.  I will keep all of that between me and God.  I am praising God for renewing my hope.  I have let the Mr. know how thankful I am for all he is doing for our family and I will leave it at that!! I won't tell anybody about me running through the house singing and doing my happy dance!!

Thursday, January 10, 2013


Toothaches are worse than child birth any day!!! My tooth started hurting on Tuesday night.  It was so bad that I got the children up to go to my sister's house for medicine.  She gave me something to take, it dulled the pain but never took it away.  It was a enough to take the edge off.  Wednesday I spent the day looking for a General dentist.  I found one close to my house.  The dentist to a peek and said I should go to the dental surgeon. (He forgot to metion he wanted the infection to clear up before the surgeon)  The medicine he prescribe didn't help with pain.  Long story short, I called the surgeon today and he said it should be fine!!!! I called my friend and she took me over there,  I was in tears.  The pain was unbearable.  They put me under and removed 4 teeth.  When I woke up I was so disoriented I cried.  I couldn't remember anything or where I was.  Bright side- I didn't feel a thing.  I would not wish that on anyone.

I want to know about things you wish you have known before you got married or while you were a newly wed. I will be posting them with intials only on the blog.

This hydrocodone is kicking in so I'll go to bed.

Nite' Y'all!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Taking Care of Me!!!

I am really praying about some of the missing links when it comes to marriage.  I am thinking about some of the things that I was never told but it would have been helpful.  I really, really, really want the families want marriages to work and for families to be restored.  My list is very practical and some information may even be taken for granted.
1.  I had to learn how to be a good housekeeper. It did not come natural for me.  I kept my room clean but the entire house?? I had to pray and pray for it to become natural.
2.  Working out and keeping myself "hot" so to speak.  No one ever told me how important it was to stay attractive and healthy.  Of course healthy has obvious benefits.  However being fit and in shape has benefits too.  I think its important to be sexy for our husbands.  Men are physical creatures, they like things that look appealing to them.  I don't think we need to get hung up on the looks but keep it in mind.
3. What to wear to bed!! Now this was huge.  I got married at a young age.  My favorite thing to sleep in at that age was a t-shirt and sweats.  I didn't know the importance of keeping it spicy!!  Granny undies are not cute!!!
4. Becoming one with my mate.  I was told that we were to become one but I don't think I fully understood what that meant.  I didn't understand what equally yoked meant.  I thought I did but no one told me to support my husband when I disagreed with him.  I wasn't told to always speak highly of him (even when I agreed with what was being said).  I wasn't told how important it was to rebuke people (even family) when they spoke badly of my husband. 
5. I wasn't told that when I become a mom, how easy it would be to forget about being a wife.  I remember a couple at my church telling their children that they (the children) were just passing through but it was important for them as the parents to make time for each other.  I never understood that, but now I do.
This is just a small but important list of things I wish I had know BEFORE I got married.  I want to tell every woman and young wife about some of the things it takes to be wife and become one with a husband.

Lord help me in every area that I am weak.  Help me in every area that I struggle.  My heart is open to transformation.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

There is a first time for everything!!

Last night was my first night alone with the Mr. since our son was born.  My son is 5 and don't forget the half!  It was the weirdest thing ever.  We didn't have a clue what to do with ourselves.  It was a strange akwardness, we've been through a lot.  It was also eye opening.  My life is so revolved around what I do for the home and what I do for the children that at times I am at a loss for what to do as a wife (woman).  We laughed, we ate, we watched movies and then we realized we are NOT as young as we use to be and went to bed!!  I tried to sleep in this morning but my body woke up anyways.  I even tried not to open my eyes in hopes that I would fall back to sleep.  No such luck.  Then I rolled over to realized he was doing the same thing!!
I am so excited that about this upcoming semester.  Every Thursday I participate in a women's bible study for Moms.  It's been such a huge blessing in my life.  We use the Precept Upon Precept inductive Bible Study. It looks like this:
Romans Part 4-Precept Workbook
This study has been so good.  I've never study the Bible this way but it has been great!!!

I am also doing a book club with a bunch of women, we will be reading Unglued this book is by Lysa TerKeurst.  I've been wanting to read this book but I am glad I waited, I like doing studies like these with other woman.  The book looks like this:
Unglued Book

Lastly, I've been reading forver The book Love and Respect This book has really, really,really helped me.  The thought of unconditional respect makes me shiver at my core.  Haha, I told you I'm human.  It's hard to give respect when you don't think it's deserved.  My sister bought me a copy of the combined book and workbook.  (Is she trying to tell me something??)

This is just a sample of what I'll be doing this Spring!! I am looking forward to these studies!!!
Have a good Sunday!!

Friday, January 4, 2013

What I did differently!

This journey does not have a perfect ending (yet)!! However, I decided that I can't focus on what I can't control.  I decided that I was going to work on me.  I am not the perfect wife, many days I didn't even come close to hitting the mark.  I turned my focus toward God and he began to do a good work in me.  It was not and still not easy.  There were days that I sulked in my bitterness that MY plan did not go right.  I was angry at God and "him".  Everything should have been perfect, where did I get that from?? 
God began to purify my heart, it was ugly.  I had to learn to be a good house keeper, I had to learn to keep myself up, I had to learn to speak less and listen more.  I had to learn to speak the word of God over my husband.  Like I said I had a lot to do.  I had to learn to NOT call my friends every time something went wrong.  I had to go to God the only person that could fix "it"!!  I found that during my time with God that I had developed a self-righteous attitude. I had all the answers and I was going to lead this family because I had God.  This wasn't God's plan for marriage or His plan for my life.  Healing had to take place and I didn't even know I needed anything at all. 
What I've noticed since this approach ( that I still fail at time to time) is that the more I allow God to fix me the better I am able to respond to the situations that I have no control.  I do did have control issuses, I lacked trust in his leadership for this family, I use the excuse that he didn't have an example (he was raised by his mother) , I thought of every reasons not to trust God with my marriage.  Now, that I've worked on me I can see the hand of God more and more in my life.
I didn't talk about the things I felt he did wrong because they aren't important when I had so much work to do on my own.  There is definitely NO GREATER LOVE THAN THE FATHER'S LOVE FOR HIS CHILDREN!!!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Cat is Out of the Bag!

Well a few weeks ago I started this blog, I prayed and prayed!! I got cold feet several times but I did it.  Today a reader followed me from Kelly's Korner .  So first I want to thank the reader for the sweet comment.  I also want to write about why she linked to me.  I posted that I was praying for my husband's salvation.  That is huge, it's huge to write about and it's huge to talk about.  I have such a burden for families. 
God hates divorce.  ( This is not judgement, I know that there are some reasons that it's the only option) When things started to get "rough" in my home I was so surprised at the response from many people, christians included!! I had people to tell me that I could do better, there more fish in the sea, I deserve a "REAL" man and etc.  I had very few people tell me that they would stand in the gap  and pray with me for my marriage.  I didn't have people to encourage me to pray for God's will.  I was hurting and desperately seeking answers for how I as a christian woman should respond to my husband.  I in my heart wanted to do things to draw him to Christ but my actions did otherwise.  I did everything from guilt-tripping him to using our children to encourage him to go.  Well, needless to say it didn't draw him to Christ.  It did push him away from God, church and church going people.  Over time I changed my approach.  I stopped focusing so much on him and started to work on me.  I wanted to become the kind of wife God wanted me to be.  This is and has been a journey and I will write about it.  I want to pray for and with anyone that is praying for their marriage.  I want to pray for marriages that are going well, ones that need help, and ones that seem like they're over.  God has the final say so when it comes to these things.  He can heal, He can bring peace, He can restore, He can bring joy, He can give us better than what we had before, He can!!!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Wow!! Where did time go?

I can't believe the break is over tomorrow!!! How did this happen?? I can't believe that I've been off for two weeks. I just can't believe it....... I am just not ready to get back to the routine :(
I feel like I just put the tree and lights up.  Now it's time to take it all down.

I am also dealing with the fact that my last baby loss his first tooth today. January 1, 2013 my baby is a snag-a-tooth.  I may have cried just a little!  I can't not believe that I am expriencing all of these first for the last time.  It's bittersweet for me.

Like I said where has time gone???