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Hello, My name is Ester. I absolutley adore Jesus! He is the center of my life. I am nothing without him. He has allowed a dream of mine to come true. I've always wanted a little boutique. I've been praying for the right time, the time is now! I am the mother of 3. I love my children, they keep life so exciting. I homeschool and I have one in traditional school. I love to craft, it could be a full time job. I love it that much. I like sewing, baking, bow- making, and all things family! I am married to my highschool sweetheart, you can read about that on my other blog. www.loveinmyhouse.blogspot.com.

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Sunday, February 3, 2013

Black Dresses and Fancy Shoes

My weekend has been busy.  I got to celebrate one of my very best friends birthday.  Mary is such an amazing woman.  I love to be in her presence, she is full of wisdom.  She followed her passion of flying airplanes and she has become senior management at FedEx.  She's been flying since she was 14, I can't even imagine.  Her dad saw the passion and he cultivated it from a young age.  I pray that God will reveal to me my children's passions so that I can cultivate it.  I don't want them to spend years searching for what God has called them to do. Life is short and we must be on the mission God has called us to.
 We took Mary to a restaurant called Beauty Shop the food was great!!!  I had a rib eye, twice baked potato and green beans.

The theme of the party was Black Dresses and fancy shoes here is a picture of a few of the girl friends ( The birthday girl is in the middle)
Here is my sister, can you tell I totally caught her off guard!!
After the dinner we went to her house for cake and a toast.  We got the cake at Whole Foods
This is us singing Happy Birthday!! The kids could not wait for us to return from dinner so that they could have cake and ice cream.
I did not take a picture of all the fancy shoes but these are the shoes I wore:
Here is another pair worn by my friend Kathleen:
This was such a fun time with "girls"!!
The Mr. enjoyed a quite evening at the house alone.  He said he was really tired but he felt like he needed to make the most of having the house all by himself!!!! I didn't even want to know......... When the girls are away the boys will play!!! I guess that's true.

After such a fabulous time I really thought about how I love family, I love friends, I appreciate my community of people.  My circle is mostly of friends that feel more like sisters and our children feel more like cousins.  I can call on these ladies if I'm in a bind and I know that they'll be there.  They all have different backgrounds and yet everyone is so respectful of each other.  I pray for them often, I want all of my friends to experience the love of Christ when they are around me.  I don't know what I would do without my girlfriends!! 

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