About Me

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Hello, My name is Ester. I absolutley adore Jesus! He is the center of my life. I am nothing without him. He has allowed a dream of mine to come true. I've always wanted a little boutique. I've been praying for the right time, the time is now! I am the mother of 3. I love my children, they keep life so exciting. I homeschool and I have one in traditional school. I love to craft, it could be a full time job. I love it that much. I like sewing, baking, bow- making, and all things family! I am married to my highschool sweetheart, you can read about that on my other blog. www.loveinmyhouse.blogspot.com.

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Thursday, February 28, 2013

I scored!!!

Today on one of my favorite blogs, There's No Place Like Home I scored on some CUTE earrings.  The earrings are similar to the ones on Stella and Dot, but they are a LOT cheaper!!! Inexpensive is good.  Dina said she hopes they bring me "Joy" they already are!! I can't wait to wear them.  Here is a picture:
These earrings are sure to experience some fun times!!! 
Today I watched my friend's children after school. We were not planning to stay for dinner but she had enough leftovers to feed the crew!!! They enjoyed the leftovers and I enjoyed having "girlfriend" time during the middle of the week.  What's even better is she's part Italian and the most amazing cook.  Our gourmet dinner was pasta fazul.  I never make this dish so it's always a treat when we have it at her house.  She topped it off with chocolate for dessert. I think I could have "sister wives" if I could choose my BFF's and didn't have to share my man.  I mean, not having to cook every night, sharing laundry duty, always having gossip  talk time , and built in baby sitters sounds appealing to me!!  I love how we can cry, laugh, get mad, and jaw dropped in one conversation!! It doesn't get much better than that!!  I can't wait to get my earrings. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

Opposition from an unlikely source!!

Just when I was going to let my hair down........  I tell you, distractions and irritations are sure to come.  I am so glad that I worked out to day, I was to tired to get worked up.  God knew I needed that run/walk today.  It zapped me!!! For the record, a lot of people will not agree to you or me praying for our spouse (or marriage).  They will think it's the most ridiculous thing ever, because it didn't work the first however many times.  They will say things that make you want to "spit fire", that may be a southern thing!! I encourage you and myself to know why you are choosing to stand on God's words for your family.  Here is my list.  I am sure I will think of more when I close this post or trying to keep the fire where it belongs
  1. God's words supports this ( I could stop here)
  2. I want salvation for him, I truly want him to experience God as his Lord (nothing is like life on this side)
  3. People are NASTY these days, I've heard dating stories -eeewww!! ( This is not to discourage my single friends, God has a mate just for you.) 
  4. He gave me my 3 blessings he's my babies daddy!
  5. He is honestly my best friend (maybe that's why we don't get along)
  6. Why would I want to train someone else on all my quirks, this has been a 15 year process!
  7. I have made an investment in him, my life.  He has shared some of the best times of my life.
  8.  He balances me, He is my opposite in a strange sorta way! He brings so much to they table that I don't have to offer.
  9. Lastly, I can't really imagine having another man over my girls at this age.  Seriously, I would now have to wait until they were out of the house.  They are pre-teen age with developing bodies and I just couldn't imagine having someone else here during this time.  My son is still young.
  10. Ok, so these pictures are a few more reasons:
Who else going to let me paint their feet for crazy craft projects?
 Or Roller Skate with the kids?  Well, I roller skate too!!
 He even dressed up and served tea at our daughter's tea party!!
I do NOT do rides at the fair, thank God for daring dad!!
Who else is going to happily paint "resurrection eggs", with a smile??? It's almost that time again!!

This is my short list, although I don't think I should have to defend this!! I know it's  hard for love ones who have seen and been through the struggles.  If you are truly concern that I am missing the mark, cover me in prayer.  Lots and lots of prayer.  Pray that my steps will be ordered by they Lord and that we are protected in the process!! God is faithful and I am in his hands. 

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Two days late!!

Sorry to keep you waiting, it's been a busy few days.  Whew, I think this is the first time I've sat all weekend.  Where to start......

Ok, Bible Study with the Renewed Moms.  We had a guest speaker.  She was great!! She told her story about fleeing from her country, Israel.  She came to the states looking for a better life and a way to escape.  Long story short God sent her back to minister to her people in Israel.  God sent her there on a mission.  She even jokes that Israel still is not her favorite place.  She goes for 3 months every year with her family.  Now, how does this relate to me???? I ran from my hometown too! I wanted to get the heck out of here.  There was no looking back.  But God!! Oh, but God!! God has a sense of humor and somehow the joke is always on me!! I am pretty sure I fill his day with laughter.  God brought me back to the place I "LOVE", can you hear the sarcasm?  I couldn't understand it, and there are plenty of days that I still don't understand WHY!! I am coming to understand his plan is bigger than ME!!  I am only a small bump on a larger scale.  I have seen His provision since I've arrived.  I have experience somewhat impossible situations, I've avoided the trenches of darkness and I have recognizable miracles taking place as we speak.  So, while I'm still not in love with my "Israel" I know there is work here for me to do.

On to other encouraging news....... The Mr. and I had our first date without kids, since they have been born.  We've been to a couple of functions but this was totally alone with just us.  It was the cutest thing ever. He didn't want me to see him before we left for dinner.  SO we got dressed separately and then the door bell rang. Guess who?? Him at the door asking the kids if he could take me out on a date....... The girls giggle and the boy said "NOOOOO"!! Go figure.  I opened our front door and this is what he handed me:
Sweet, Right?!!

(Mr. Trying to eat dumplings with chopsticks, part of the laughs we shared)
We had dinner at Bone Fish Grill.

Then off to dinner we went.  We even listened to love songs in the car.  I usually keep the radio on the christian station K-LOVE no kids,turn up the romance!!  He opened every door, we held hands all night, we laughed, talked and shared a dessert after dinner.  We ate at a new (to us) restaurant and we both tried something new. It was fun!! The biggest blessing was we had been gifted a gift card with a huge amount to enjoy dinner and each other!!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

What to do??

First day of school (Can you see the tears) He cried all the way to school.

I must say I never want to redirect my children in prayer! This is my disclaimer!!! However, everyday since the first day of school my son ask to "homeschool"!! I ignore his request because he has a coveted spot at one of the best schools in the city.  I slept outside at the board of education to get him at this school.  I LOVE this school.  I like the moms, I adore his teacher, he got the "terrific" kid award, dads patrol the parking lot, the same crossing guard has been there for years and the list could go on.  However, to hear my son earnestly seek the Lord and pray with all his might to homeschool, it tugs on me.  I am not new to homeschooling, I have homeschooled for several years.  I still homeschool my oldest.  Today when my son was yelling, "I am a Richland Redhawk" over and over again the only thing I felt was sadness.  The only thing I want my son to proclaim is that he is a "Son of God"!!  I want that to be what resonates in his spirit.  So now I must pray that I am following God's plan for my little man, and not my own plan.

My boy and his class at the zoo!
Today at my women's bible study, the Lord moved.  It was an answer to prayer!!! I knew God could do it!  I want the group of ladies to move higher from this point.  I don't this to be just an "experience" and we all go back to days before this day.  I was so excited! I feel that I am on the brink of revival and so "let it begin in me"!!  This season is new and unfamiliar, but God has gone ahead of me in this season and prepared a way.  He is bringing clarity.  Tomorrow I will sharre something I got from bible study today.  Stay tuned!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Monday, February 18, 2013

I don't know why?

God is so faithful.  I don't know why he would choose to use me in the area of prayer.  I am in awe of Him every time.  God has proven himself faithful over and over in my life.  I feel so blessed that I can look back and see the goodness of God.  I am tears thinking about Him!! God has always used me in this way. I know some think it's am insignificant gift, but it changes my life daily.  This gift goes back as far as I can remember.  I remember praying as a child and seeing God move.  I am so humbled by this.  I am not perfect, I miss the mark all most days.  I didn't not deserve His goodness but He chose me still.  It's in the little things and the big things, He is good. 
I have been praying for a miracle in the area of my marriage and my family.  God has sent small group of ladies into my life to speak life and give encouragement.  These ladies love me enough to give wisdom when I may choose wrong.  They don't always tell me what I want to hear, but I know they love me.  I thank God for them.  I have to share that the "Mr." and I had a disagreement about a science program that he and my daughter were watching.  I wasn't comfortable with the program, I voiced my concern (privately), then I surrendered her to God in that moment.  I told the "Mr." that if he was ok with it, then let her watch it.  He did, guess what? She was no longer interested in the program.  I thank God that I didn't make a scene (which is normal when I don't get my way) I allowed God to work it out.  That is small, but SOOO very big for me.  Choosing God's way always yields better results.
This weekend the "Mr." and I celebrated Valentine's Day.  I told him all I wanted was to NOT have to think about a thing.  I got just that.  The day was well planned, I even got "scheduled" rest!!! I spent the day thinking about how I was going to pay him back.  What I gained from this is when we devoted our time thinking about each other, the other's needs got met!!

People, prayer changes things.  Prayer is changing me.  I am so thankful that my God allows me to sit at his feet and pour out my heart.

Keep Praying, you can email me any prayer request or post them on the blog.

Friday, February 15, 2013


Today over on Kelly's Korner Blog she is doing a link up of Organization tips.  I know I posted earlier this week about getting organized. I do have a few things that are in place that help keep me organized.  One of the first things is, I have to keep a calendar.  I have to write everything down, I CAN NOT go digital.  It's something about writing it down and being able to look at everything on one page.  I keep two calendars, one in my purse and one on my desk. ( and one on the wall but I don't write anything in that one)
Purse Calendar
Desk Calender ( This is called a Mom Agenda , I love this calendar.  Every mom needs one)

I also keep a HOME binder. My home binder has all of my bills, important letters from school, insurance info, grocery list, and etc.  Everyone in the family has a tab. We have a general tab and one for the other categories.
Home Binder (It's lacking a cute Chevron Cover)

I also keep most some  of my craft supplies in shoe boxes.  However, I usually feel like they take up residence on my dining table but when they are away, they are in shoe boxes.
Right now, they are mostly on the table.  I like to see all of my supplies. ( I like to know what I'm working with )

I also keep all of the girls hair bows on a nice little rack that I made.  Before that, bows were everywhere!!
All the bow are made by me!! Slight obsession.

I found an oak dresser at a thrift store and painted it black.  I use this dresser for my TV.  Inside the dresser is all of my secrets board games, video games, dvd, remote controls, candle lighting stick, candles, and just need to hide it kinda stuff, lol!!

My last trick, one that I just learned is keeping sheet sets inside the pillow case. I must say this revolutionized my linen closet.
This is NOT my photo, found it in a google search.  But you get the idea!!
I am looking forward to reading every one's organizational tips!! God is working on me!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2013


My Valentine's Mantle

I know this is a hard day for many single friends.  I am sure a lot of my single friends are tired of hearing the "encouragement" from well meaning folks!!  It's hard to know what to say to people waiting for their mate.  I have been single, I have been married, I have been single while married and married again.  I have been there, done that.  I know how the enemy tries to come in and steal joy, sow doubt, increase insecurity and make you give up.  The enemy always tries to magnify the things we struggle with.  He tries so hard to get us to doubt God and his promises.
Dear Father,
Thank you so much for singleness, thank you for this time of preparation for things to come.  Thank you for this time alone with you, the most high God.  Help (me) my friends as they wait on you.  Prepare(me) my friends for their mate and prepare their mates for them (me).   I know that the mate you've hand picked for my friends is your best for them(me).  Let them (us) see your beauty in this season of life.   Your timing is perfect because you are perfect!  You know all things from the end to the beginning.  I speak joy, peace, love, wisdom, and patience over my friends.  Give them the encouragement they need to get through this season of life.  Speak to their hearts and guide them through and to the plan for their life.

This was written by singer Mandisa on her facebook page.  I thought it was very beautiful and I pray that it encourages your heart. Single, married or in between.

Dear future husband:
Happy Valentine's Day! We haven't met each other yet (at least I don't THINK we have), but there are a few things I want to say to you on this day that celebrates love.

Sometimes I wonder if you pray for me like I pray for you. I do, ya know. A lot! I used to just get depressed wondering what in the world was taking you so long! But God has been doing such an amazing work in ...my life over these last few months. I am learning to rest in the fact that He is our Holy Match-maker. If He hasn't introduced us yet, He has a good reason for it. So rather than sulking in my loneliness, I decided to turn those longings into prayers instead.

I pray that He is making you into the man He created you to be when you were still in your mother's womb. I intercede specifically for wisdom, vision, meekness and humility. I ask his Holy Spirit to empower you to live a life of purity in this often sensual-driven society. I believe He wants you to be a man that loves His Word, His people, and His Presence, so I pray for those desires to trump all others. And among so much more, I pray that God would give you eyes for me. That you will recognize me as "your rib" and pursue me as such.

Until that day, know that I am allowing God to make me into the woman He created me to be. I hope you'll pardon me for not believing you are my better half. I was made whole when Jesus became the Lord of my life 20 years ago. But that's a good thing, because I don't need you to complete me. Our love and marriage will be based on the will of God, not my neediness. As a matter of fact, I will not be crying my eyes out watching a chick flick by myself (or with my life-long friends "Ben & Jerry") tonight. I will be celebrating love with a bunch of fellow single sisters in Nashville, and across the globe as they join me online at an event I started called "Galentines"! I'll be singing, dancing, and resting in God's present plan for my life. I'll also be praying for you. So Happy Galentines Day, my future husband. I already love you as my brother in Christ. Sorry I gotta go! I need to start my hair, makeup, and raid my closet for something to wear tonight (I'm working on not being so high-maintenance...but at least your wife will be cute)!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Orginizational truths

Currently have a lot of thing on my mind, one of those things is organization.  If you come to my home you might assume that I am organized.  However, if you look closer you will see that it's not!! I was once told that our home is a reflection of us, I don't know if it's true but if so I've come a long way.  I still have a long way to go!!  The strangest thing to me is that I love organization, I feel very overwhelmed when things are everywhere.  I truly believe everything needs a place.  I can organize for days, my problem is when I am the only one using the system.  My other problem is that if I fail to use my system for a day or so it's HARD for me to get back on track.  Let's just say I can get sidetracked.  Well, as I'm organizing areas of my life I feel that its time that I do it in my home as well.  I want my home to look like a page out of a magazine that's lived in!!! Haha, can you help me achieve that look?
Of course the first thing I did was to search pinterest for ideas.  There are some pretty organized mamas out there. Oh, how I wish they didn't take all of that in their gene pool.  I want some organizing goodness too.  My first project is going to be my bedroom.  My bedroom leaves much to be desired.  I have a desk that's as big as my dining table in there, a rocking chair, chest, night stand and of course a bed.  It's some what color coordinated but ummm it's not together.  My bedroom (along with my dinning room) doubles as my craft room.  I LOVE to be in my bedroom.  My rocking chair looks like a pile of clothes and my desk....... I don't even want to go there.  I have to get my room together, like now!!! If I wasn't so embarrassed I would post pictures so that you all could keep me accountable but I just can't do it.    I will post pictures of what I wish my room looked like.
This Dina's Rom at There's No Place like home

This fromDesire to inspire

I found ton of others but I got tired of pinning!!!!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

What if it doesn't happen?

I was recently asked what if my prayer doesn't work.  What if my prayers for the "Mr.' and my prayers for my children don't work?  Ha, I never seriously never think about that outcome.  I seriously never approach prayer like it will not happen.  Why pray if I doubt that God can do it?  I know with all of my heart that God can do anything he chooses to do.  I mean he parted the Red Sea!!  My job is NOT to worry about how and when God will do HIS thing.  My job is to have faith that he CAN do anything.  God's answers to our prayers my not always match what we've pictured in our heads.  I am open to how he chooses to answer.  I have done my part and that is believing.
 God is Sure.  He is sure as my baby turning 10 on today.  Faith is like that, I knew that unless God said otherwise that on today would be her birthday.  I like to look all situations like that.  When I pray I know that he will unless  it's not his will for me, and in that case I don't want it anyway.  I don't want to sound like it's always easy, there are times when waiting is hard.  Distractions will come but those things never make me doubt God's ability. They do however allow me to see the areas I need to grow in faith. Be encourage in prayer.  Ask God to help you in your areas of unbelief.

Well, it happened.  I tried to find a pause button for my daughter.  We had a small house gathering.  She had a blast!! I spent the day mostly emotional, I have two young ladies.  I was just holding them in my arms. Ok, let me stop before I turn into a sobbing mess, again!!
Homemade cake, by me!! My children LOVE homemade cakes!  Don't look to close, you will see the imperfections.
Analise (best friend), Birthday girl, and big sister!! You can see a bit of the decor in the background. 

I am so thankful to God for my family!!  

Friday, February 8, 2013

Birthday Season!!!

( This was one of her celebrations last year, we will celebrate her turning 10 Sunday. Pray for me y'all)
The Birthday season has started!! This time of year makes me CRAZY!!! My family can't stand me ( but they always thank me).  I LOVE birthday parties. I love all the fine details and I kind of like the craziness.  I want every party to be perfect!  This year I decided I wasn't going to go all crazy, I am fighting the urge to do a pintrest search.  I just want a simple house party that doesn't cost a million bucks.  I told the Mr. that I would not spend life savings on the parties.  I seriously think I get all caught up in the parties to keep me from the sadness that my babies are getting older.  I know so many people counting down the day til 18, but I am NOT.  I can't imagine sending my babies out into the world.  I am covering them in prayer.  I am entrusting them in God's care but still......  I know that with each year of life is a year closer to them discovering the world outside of my protection.  I know in my mind that I can only protect them because of God's strength and wisdom.  However my hearts feels like it's something that I am doing to make it happen (silly I know).  I want to protect them from so many things but that isn't my job.  My job is to train them,pray for them and  to give them the tools to live this life.  The tools I hope that I have given to my children are 
  • Prayer- prayer is everything
  • The Word- I hope I've taught them to hide the Word in their hearts, I love how scriptures just pop in my head when I need them most
  • confidence- I want them to be confident in who they are in God
  • Compassion- I want my children to have a heart for people
  • To be thinkers- Everyone needs the ability to think for themselves and to make wise choices
  • Love- the greatest of these it love.  We have to love ourselves, people, children, what's right, and we have to love God.
It's so hard for me to even to think about them out of my house, out of my watchful eye!! I love them, we have so much fun together.  I love seeing life through their eyes. They keep my youthful and they encourage me to try new things. 

I remember being in marriage counseling many years ago and the minister told us how important it was to see the children as "just passing through". The ministers (husband and wife team) Told us the importance of keeping a solid relationship between us because one day "they will be gone". They told us (especially me) to cherish every single moment because one day I will " share them".  They even warned me not to get "too caught up in being a mom, that I forget to be a wife"  I  got so ANGRY at the ministers.  I wouldn't even continue the session. I couldn't believe any decent parents would say such things.  God had to change my perspective.  I often think about the couple that tried to "warn me".  I was so rude to them.  They were giving me truth that my heart couldn't receive.  I know that I am not there yet but I've come a long way.  I know God loves them more than I ever could!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


 This is a picture of my two older sisters and a cousin, my younger sister is not pictured.  I am in the hat to the left, my oldest sister is next to me and my sister that I call all day like we're in high school is in the hat on the right. 
I don't have any brothers so I can not compare but I LOVE my sister.  I actually have 3 sisters.  My relationship is different with them all.  I am like a mother to my younger sister, she reminds me often that she was my baby before I had children.  She tortures tells my children that I use to spoil her before they came along ( and that they ruined her good thing).    Then that leaves the one just above me.  She is 10 years older than me ( I pray she doesn't kill me for saying that).  I talk to her every day, several times a day.  Our children are the same age, so we go through a lot of the stages together.  We are opposite in so many ways, but I am soooo thankful for her  in my life.  We don't always see eye to eye but I KNOW she loves me.  I love her.  I thank God for her everyday.  As the years go by we get closer and closer.  God has really cultivated our relationship.  I didn't even see it happen but God had a plan for us.  My sister is super private, I mean SUPER private.  I am full disclosure, of course because I am sharing my life on the web.  God has created a safe space for us.  I am thankful that I can be the person who prays with her.  I am thankful that I can be the one who listens.  She does the same for me.  I don't know where I would be without her.  I was recently thinking about that so this is me without her:
1. I would be hairy (because she taught me to shave my legs)
2. I would not be cultured (because she got my first magazine subscription and she taught the importance of reading for fun)
3. My medicine cabinet would be bare( my sister kept EVERYTHING in her cabinet.  Whatever you need, she seriously has it. Band-aids, any kind of cream, nail stuff, hair stuff, glittery stuff, Her house is like Target)
4. I would not have a driver license ( My parents didn't teach me to drive, she gave me tips but more importantly she taught me the importance of independence )
5. I would be less thoughtful ( She would always leave cards, notes, gifts, and candy in my bathroom just because)
6. I would probably be more of a drama queen ( I am not saying that I'm not one, but she consoled me when my parents could not send me on a school trip to Jamaica.  I thought I was going to DIE!! All of the cool kids were going but me. From that day forward I could keep life in perspective)

The list could go on but as you can see my sister has been so good for and to me. 
Sisters don't have to be blood, mine just happens to be.  Iron sharpens iron and my sister definitely sharpens me.  Today I am praying for the sisters that God gave me, sisters by birth and sisters by God.  I am praying that we all encourage each other, hold one another accountable, that we love without hesitation, that we are transparent so that we all can see the work of the Lord in our lives. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Doing the things that don't come natural!!

This is a picture of my daughter (the one in the middle) stepping out of her comfort zone and performing with Nashville's Street Theatre.  She did a great job and since that moment she knew that she was meant for something great and that the sky is the limit!!

Today I had to do something very hard.  I had to tell a friend that I couldn't help with a project. (Even though I told her I would)  I really, really wanted to help, but when I prayed about it , it was a "no".  That was hard.  I usually would have done it any way.  Is it more harmful than helpful to participate in something God is not calling you to do?  I think it's important to have an unified vision when we agree to participate in something.  I feel the same way with church.  Now that I'm back in my hometown, I've been looking for a church.  Part of my search has been meeting with local pastors to ask questions about their ministry.  How can you support something if you don't know the vision or if you don't line up with the vision??   I don't know the answer to that, all I know is that I can't do it. I have a "do-er" personality so naturally I do most things are asked or I volunteered to do.  God is pushing me out of my comfort zone.  I have recently had to do a lot of things that don't come natural to me.  I feel that more things are coming down the line as I work on God being the Lord of my life ( in every area).  I know that my priorities are beginning to change, my friendships are looking different, my attitude is changing, I am being chiseled into what God has called me to be. SIDEBAR- this is NOT to be confused with religious-ness  or with being bound by tradition.  This has more to do with allowing God to renew my heart.  It has everything to do with being his reflection of me.  With that in mind, things change and we change.  Mostly, this is causing me to have more compassion and this is strengthening my love walk.  This is causing me to pray more, and share the love of God more.  This is making me see the world through God's eyes.  I know that I stand in need of him every day!! I truly don't know how people make it without him. 

To sum it up- don't be afraid to allow God to push you out of your comfort zone.  Know that his intent is not to hurt you, but to make you a better person.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Black Dresses and Fancy Shoes

My weekend has been busy.  I got to celebrate one of my very best friends birthday.  Mary is such an amazing woman.  I love to be in her presence, she is full of wisdom.  She followed her passion of flying airplanes and she has become senior management at FedEx.  She's been flying since she was 14, I can't even imagine.  Her dad saw the passion and he cultivated it from a young age.  I pray that God will reveal to me my children's passions so that I can cultivate it.  I don't want them to spend years searching for what God has called them to do. Life is short and we must be on the mission God has called us to.
 We took Mary to a restaurant called Beauty Shop the food was great!!!  I had a rib eye, twice baked potato and green beans.

The theme of the party was Black Dresses and fancy shoes here is a picture of a few of the girl friends ( The birthday girl is in the middle)
Here is my sister, can you tell I totally caught her off guard!!
After the dinner we went to her house for cake and a toast.  We got the cake at Whole Foods
This is us singing Happy Birthday!! The kids could not wait for us to return from dinner so that they could have cake and ice cream.
I did not take a picture of all the fancy shoes but these are the shoes I wore:
Here is another pair worn by my friend Kathleen:
This was such a fun time with "girls"!!
The Mr. enjoyed a quite evening at the house alone.  He said he was really tired but he felt like he needed to make the most of having the house all by himself!!!! I didn't even want to know......... When the girls are away the boys will play!!! I guess that's true.

After such a fabulous time I really thought about how I love family, I love friends, I appreciate my community of people.  My circle is mostly of friends that feel more like sisters and our children feel more like cousins.  I can call on these ladies if I'm in a bind and I know that they'll be there.  They all have different backgrounds and yet everyone is so respectful of each other.  I pray for them often, I want all of my friends to experience the love of Christ when they are around me.  I don't know what I would do without my girlfriends!!