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Hello, My name is Ester. I absolutley adore Jesus! He is the center of my life. I am nothing without him. He has allowed a dream of mine to come true. I've always wanted a little boutique. I've been praying for the right time, the time is now! I am the mother of 3. I love my children, they keep life so exciting. I homeschool and I have one in traditional school. I love to craft, it could be a full time job. I love it that much. I like sewing, baking, bow- making, and all things family! I am married to my highschool sweetheart, you can read about that on my other blog. www.loveinmyhouse.blogspot.com.

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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I am a mom to a 12 year old!!!

Our backyard bonfire (the other tent is not pictured)!!!
When did this happen?  How could it be? I just can't believe my baby is 12.  We surprised her!!! It was soooo hard to keep the cat in the bag, but I did.  We had a backyard campout and bonfire.  It was such a fun night.  The "Mr." had the fire blazing which was great, it was chilly Friday night.  We only had family over, which kept it intimate.  The big surprise was replacing her Ipod touch that was stolen in December.  Her face was priceless.
She's reading the card, still pretty clueless.
Opening the huge box that contained a little Ipod!!!
I also spent the weekend helping decorate for a wedding.  I wanted to help, I am good with working with a tight budget.  I found these cute little paper cone vase on pintrest and they turned out great.

We hung these sweet little things on the side of the pews.

Then I celebrated my friend Miriam's birthday.  We went to the french cafe 1912 . The food was great and it was good to catch up with the ladies and enjoy their company.  I also made a bath scrub in little mason jars as a party favor for all the ladies. I scented it with lemongrass essential oil, yummy.  I hoped they all enjoyed it.

After such a busy weekend, the "Mr." felt that we needed to reconnect as a family.  So, on Sunday we took a slow stroll around the zoo!  It was a great end to such a CRAZY weekend.

I remember years ago praying the my husband would be a family man, a man that enjoyed spending quality time with me and his children.  Guess what?? God has given me a family man!! The funny thing is the "Mr." has to encourage me to take time out to enjoy the family.  He thinks I am always  busy "doing" for the family (and others) that I rarely enjoy them.  I am thankful that he helps keep me grounded in the things that are truly important to me ( although my busy-ness may say otherwise).  It's so very easy for me to get wrapped up in the things of life.  God knew that I was going to need an anchor!

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