Today the weather was very nice! It's making me long for spring even more. After church we went to the park for lunch. The sun does a body good!
This is my girl, Danny (the deacon), and my boy climbing the best tree! This day was so needed.
I recently read through some previous post, why didn't someone mention all the typos? Most of the time I'm blogging from my phone and on the go. I'm also the grammar police but I have certainly been all over the place on this blog!! Don't stone me.
Now for what's really on my heart. Recently I've been opening up to a few people about what's going on in my life, marriage and etc. Let me tell you, it's not easy!!! The other part is I usually get the worst response from other believers. I can't tell you how friendships and relationships have changed ( a little and a lot) once people know. It's not okay with them that I have story that I'm being redeemed from. I'm never really sure how to respond to their response. What's going through my head: are they treating me like this because they don't know, were they taught this, did they read it, do they have scriptures they'll use to justify this? It leaves me so confused. I'm sure it's awkward for them and definitely for me. I'm not the first person to struggle, fight, crawl, slide, pray, pray and pray her way through a marriage that's not even holding on by threads. I'm not less of a person, I still hear God's voice, I'm still accountable, trust worthy, and capable. No, I don't want sit in a corner and not be involved. Life is happening now! I want to pull up my boot straps and keep marching forward! My eyes are fixed on Jesus.