When I got out of surgery I was greeted by a sweet friend (more like a mom) Mrs.Cindy. She stayed with me until my parents got here. I was also surprised by the Mr. I was not expecting him to come at all. Funny thing (in a sad kind of way) yesterday would have been 15 years of marriage for us. I can't believe it's been a decade and a half. He cared for me until my sister arrived, she stayed the night with me.
After surgery photo!!! E and J.
My dear friends please, please listen and trust the voice of God. Trust even if it goes against what's poplar, mainstream, or even considered wise counsel. Now that I've undergone this procedure I will more than like have to give up my natural remedy. I'm sad, discouraged and feeling how disappointed God must be that I didn't follow Him. I've known since the beginning which route I would take but I fell under the pressure of pleasing people, fear, and lack of discernment.
Please pray for me.
I'm thankful for sweet nurses! I'm thankful for grace and that God will use this for his good.
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