About Me

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Hello, My name is Ester. I absolutley adore Jesus! He is the center of my life. I am nothing without him. He has allowed a dream of mine to come true. I've always wanted a little boutique. I've been praying for the right time, the time is now! I am the mother of 3. I love my children, they keep life so exciting. I homeschool and I have one in traditional school. I love to craft, it could be a full time job. I love it that much. I like sewing, baking, bow- making, and all things family! I am married to my highschool sweetheart, you can read about that on my other blog. www.loveinmyhouse.blogspot.com.

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Friday, March 14, 2014

Spring Break

This has been an exciting spring break.  God has made another impression on my heart.  I was able to spend a few days away in the Smoky Mountains with my family (including the "Mr").  I was super thrilled that he joined us, I was terrified to drive up the mountains alone. I believe this trip was something that our family needed.  We were not alone, my sister (and family), and 2 of my cousins and their families joined us.  There were 20 of us in all.  We laughed, played games, and gave my cousin a surprise birthday party.
The "Mr" took us on a caravan through the mountains.  He drove us as far as motor vehicles could go.  I was speechless at God's majesty.  I seriously was in tears taking it all in.  God is an artist, I am sure that's where I get all my creative abilities (lol)!
This was us at the top of a mountain, the view was amazing! We could see all the way to North Carolina.
I had a lot of good moments.  Seriously, too many to name.  However, I want to write about my favorite memory on the trip.  The last night of the trip was very festive, we sent all the children to "chill out" earlier than usual.  The adults were up fellowshipping and doing general stuff.  Eventually I went to bed and THEN IT HAPPENED!! The "Mr." came in after spending time alone with himself, nature and God.  When he came in he wanted to PRAY!!! I was so thrilled.  That was my favorite moment.  I didn't initiate the prayer, I didn't ask him to pray.  God led him to me to pray!!
I will never forget that moment.
When I am discouraged, tired, and weary from this journey I will remember the night he came to pray.  Just when I am at the end of my rope with this all, God extends the rope! I can't not do this without God.

1 comment:

  1. Ester! What an answer to prayer! I am so excited to see what God will do in your life!! Glad y'all had such a great break...sounds like one you'll never forget. :)
