I've made first ever mesh wreath.
Ok, I have gotten a lot of flack about the B-S, I didn't think about it before I painted it on the Snowman. The B- is for my last name (maiden name) and the S- is the family last name. I've learned my lesson.
I wanted a chevron table runner. Of course I couldn't find what I wanted so I made one!!
Yep, I did that today!
We have a real fireplace but it's in the den. I wanted to hang our stockings in the living room close to the "real" tree. So I hung them on my faux mantle.
This is not the best picture, but you get the idea!!
Last on my Jesus birthday house tour is our Jesse tree ornaments. I am using my little table top tree for all of the Jesse tree ornaments.
These are my ornaments in the making. I used a link from Faithful Provision. My children are enjoying our Jesse tree scripture readings each night. I will post more about that later.
I love the fullness of the month, seeing friends that I don't see often, seeing my children sing praises to God at our Christmas program (church), the decorations and THE CHRISTMAS COOKIES!!
You are quite the talented crafter! Love the wreath and didn't even notice the BS until you said something about it! :)