When we started down this path of becoming local missionaries my mind couldn't fully comprehend the depth of service needed. Living life with people is truly loving your neighbor as you love yourself. So far I've experienced joy of babies being born, anger that something was stolen, concern for children without, selflessness as I put other people's need before my own. Today however I'm feeling sadness and grief as a sweet young mother has to make the decision to take her baby off of life support. This young lady has shown so much strength through this all. She birth 2 babies, cared for them both for 6 weeks and now making a hard decision for one. I can't imagine what she feels, my heart aches for this family.
This is the sister we're helping care for while the family is at the hospital with the other. Every time I see her face, I pray for life. Life will be different growing up without her twin.
I'm all in my feelings #nooneshouldeverseethiskindofpicture
This is me slinging sweet Makayla.