I am sure this could apply to so many things but I am refering to telling my children "NO". It's easier to some things than others. It's so hard for me to explain to my children why "we" (me) choose not to watch certain things on TV and listen to certain music. Before you start giving me the side eye, we don't just listen to Christian music or Christian programming. However, I am very concerned about the lyrics of a song and the message of the program. I do care if it has witchcraft (spells, magic, etc), teenage dating, rebellious children, and etc! I know there are arguments that this is just entertainment. This could be true, but the Bible tells us to guard our hearts with diligence. We never know the seeds being planted. Satan is real! He will use whatever innocent tactics he can to lure us and our children in. I will not say what is right or wrong. I can only say it's my conviction and I must say "NO"! It can be frustrating for them and me! There are times when nothings on they can watch. I hate it for them. The can't yet reason why Disney channel is made for children and yet something might be questionable. They can't understand why other Christian families from church are allowed to watch and listen to certain things. They don't like the feeling at school when they can't join in the latest episode talk. It hurts but what would hurt more is not defending my faith and having to answer to God about that.
My dear children, I do love you. I wish love always meant warm and fuzzy, but it doesn't. I wish more people felt the same way, but they don't. I hate that the only shows are baby shows, but they are safe. You are a precious gift from God. The world will be waiting on you to try to impose their views on you. The world can't wait to make you feel like you missed out. You will have plenty (a lifetime) of fighting for your faith and beliefs. Right now is your training ground, this is preparation! The world might not play nice. You have to practice now!