The days are getting busier as we end this year of schooling. I hit the ground running this morning. I had to take the "littles" to school, quick trip to the grocery store, oldest to a student council meeting ( yes they have those for homeschoolers), talent show for the middle, and I had to sit in on interviews for my son's school. Whew!!! Then dinner, bible story and prayer. I am so glad to be in my pj's and in my room sitting. The day has been LOOONG, but I am grateful for the appointed position. I am glad God saw fit for me to be a mother, leader,(a taxi driver, chef, nurse, veterinarian, cheerleader, soccer mom, and you know the list could go on) I am so glad God is cultivating the talents he has put in me. I can't do these things in my strength it takes HIM!!
The middle on stage getting ready to share her talent!! |
Tomorrow is not slowing down. I have another full day!! My mother who is the most faithful, dedicated, hardworking woman I know is having surgery tomorrow. She never misses work. She is a nurse by trade, but she is the director of nursing now. She LOVES her job. It was so hard for her to take time away to care for herself. Please pray for her, I would appreciate it!!!